General Principles:
The number of verification reward tokens distributed daily is fixed (it decreases over time, but for any given day, the total reward amount is fixed regardless of the number of verifications. More details pls check here).
Nodes that remain online for at least 6 hours per day can claim the daily rewards (the reward is the same whether online for 6 hours or 24 hours).
Reward Distribution Cycle:
Rewards are distributed on a daily cycle (UTC 0:00 - 24:00), and this cycle is the minimum settlement unit for rewards. Therefore, within the T+1 cycle, rewards can only be claimed for periods up to and including T.
Daily Online Map:
Smart contracts define a "daily online map" where the key is the index of T, and the value is the total number of delegators for online nodes during the T period. Each node also records its own "daily online map" (with the value being the number of its own delegators during the T period).
Whenever a verifier goes online/offline or submits a verification, the "daily online map" is checked and updated. If a verifier does not perform any operations on a given day, they must manually submit a heartbeat to update their status.
Claiming Rewards:
Nodes can only claim rewards for periods before the current cycle (rewards for the current cycle can be claimed in the next cycle). Smart contracts will calculate the total rewards for the period Ta−Tb using the global map Vglobal, the node's own map Vself, and the daily reward function R(x). The formula is: Rewards=∑a≤x≤bVglobal(x)Vself(x)∗R(x).
When an NFT holder redelegates or undelegates, the above formula is used to determine the earnings for that tokenID in the current delegation period, allowing the NFT holder to claim their rewards.
Missed Submissions and Penalties:
If a verifier node misses a submission, anyone can report it. The reporter will receive a reward directly from the verifier's existing rewards, ensuring the total daily reward amount remains fixed. Nodes that miss submissions too frequently will be forced offline.
Function Definitions & Explanations
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
interface IProtocolService {
* @notice This enum represents result of an attestation reported by verifier
* `Valid`: This attestation can be parsed successfully and is not malicious
* `Invalid`: This attestation cannot be parsed successfully
* `Malicious`: This attestation can be parsed successfully but is malicious
enum AttestationResult {
* @notice This struct represents information of a node
* `id`: The globally unique ID of the node. The node is automatically registered when
* it calls `nodeEnter` for the first time. Up to 4294967295 nodes can be registered.
* `listIndex`: The position of the node in the current `activeVrfNodeList`
* `active`: Is the node active?
* `lastConfirmDate`: The date on which reward was last confirmed.
* `missedVerifyCount`: The number of verifications the node currently misses
* `selfTotalRewards`: The total rewards of the node itself
* `selfClaimedRewards`: The rewards claimed by the node itself
* `delegationRewards`: The rewards of the node’s delegator
* `lastEnterTime`: The time when the node last called `nodeEnter` to go online
* `commissionRate`: rate of commission, which is given by NFT holders to the verifier node.(decimals: 4)
* `commissionRateLastModifyAt`: timestamp of last modifying commission rate
struct NodeInfo {
uint32 id;
uint32 listIndex;
bool active;
uint32 lastConfirmDate;
uint64 missedVerifyCount;
int256 selfTotalRewards;
uint256 selfClaimedRewards;
uint256 delegationRewards;
uint256 lastEnterTime;
address claimer;
uint32 commissionRate; // decimals: 4
uint256 commissionRateLastModifyAt;
* @notice This struct represents reward information of a CarvNft token
* `initialRewards`: When this tokenID is delegated to a node, the initial amount of delegator's rewards needs to be recorded.
* `totalRewards`: The amount of rewards this tokenID has been confirmed
* `claimedRewards`: The amount of rewards this tokenID has been claimed
struct TokenRewardInfo {
uint256 initialRewards;
uint256 totalRewards;
uint256 claimedRewards;
* @notice This struct represents information of an attestation
* `reporter`: The address of the tee who reported this attestation
* `valid`: The number of votes that this attestation is considered valid (voted by the verifier node)
* `invalid`: The number of votes that this attestation is considered invalid (voted by the verifier node)
* `vrfChosenID`: ID of the currently randomly selected verification nodes
* `slashed`: Has this attestation been slashed?
* `deadline`: Deadline for collecting verification
struct Attestation {
address reporter;
uint16 valid;
uint16 invalid;
uint16 malicious;
uint32 vrfChosenID;
uint256 deadline;
* @notice This struct represents information of an verification with signature
* `result`: result of this attestation
* `index`: index of this node in activeVrfNodeList
* `signer`: address of this node (sign the Data to call contract gasless)
* `v`: v of signature signed by signer
* `r`: r of signature signed by signer
* `s`: s of signature signed by signer
struct VerificationInfo {
AttestationResult result;
uint32 index;
address signer;
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
// admin
event UpdateVrfAddress(address vrf);
event UpdateSettingsAddress(address settings);
// tee
event TeeReportAttestations(address tee, bytes32[] attestationIDs, string[] attestationInfos, uint256 requestID);
event ConfirmVrfNodes(uint256 requestId, uint32[] vrfChosen, uint256 deadline);
// node
event NodeRegister(address node, uint32 id);
event NodeActivate(address node, uint32 listIndex);
event NodeClear(address node);
event NodeSlash(address slasher, address node, bytes32 attestationID, uint256 rewards);
event NodeModifyCommissionRate(address node, uint32 commissionRate);
event NodeSetClaimer(address node, address claimer);
event NodeClaim(address node, address claimer, uint256 rewards);
event NodeReportVerification(address node, bytes32 attestationID, AttestationResult result);
event NodeReportVerificationBatch(bytes32 attestationID, VerificationInfo[] infos);
event NodeDailyActive(address node, uint32 date);
event NodeConfirmReward(address node, int256 selfReward, uint256 delegationReward);
// delegation
event Delegate(uint256 tokenID, address to);
event Redelegate(uint256 tokenID, address to);
event Undelegate(uint256 tokenID, address to);
event ClaimRewards(uint256 tokenID, address claimer, uint256 rewards);
* @notice update address of Settings contract.
* @dev Only admin role.
* @dev Emits `UpdateSettingsAddress`.
* @param settings_: address of Settings contract.
function updateSettingsAddress(address settings_) external;
* @notice update address of CarvVrf contract.
* @dev Only admin role.
* @dev Emits `UpdateVrfAddress`.
* @param carvVrf_: address of CarvVrf contract.
function updateVrfAddress(address carvVrf_) external;
* @notice Tee reports attestations. The same attestation can only be reported once.
* @dev Only staked tee role.
* @dev Emits `TeeReportAttestations`.
* @dev A request to apply for VRF will be sent to chainlink.
* @dev After receiving the callback from chainlink, emits `ConfirmVrfNodes`.
* @param attestationInfos: attestations to be reported.
function teeReportAttestations(string[] memory attestationInfos) external;
* @notice In order to save costs more efficiently when selecting nodes in VRF,
* @notice we designed a data structure `activeVrfNodeList` for this purpose.
* @notice `activeVrfNodeList` stores up to 2000 active nodes with delegation weight,
* @notice and each time VRF will select from these nodes.
* @notice Nodes need to activate themselves by calling nodeEnter of the smart contract
* @notice To successfully activate a node, caller need to meet the following conditions:
* @notice 1. The caller needs to hold CarvNft, or be delegated by other holders
* @notice 2. If the current `activeVrfNodeList` is full, you need to choose a node
* @notice in the list with less delegation weight than yourself to replace it.
* @dev Emits `NodeActivate`.
* @dev If any node is kicked and replaced by your node. Emits `NodeClear`.
* @dev If any node calls nodeEnter for the first time. Emits `NodeRegister`.
* @param replacedNode: address of the node that needs to be replaced by your node
* only works when the `activeVrfNodeList` is full
function nodeEnter(address replacedNode) external;
* @notice Exits by node itself, and verification cannot be reported after exiting.
* @notice When a node exits, it will be punished based on missing counts during the online period.
* @dev Emits `NodeClear`.
function nodeExit() external;
* @notice Modify the commission rate of verifier node
* @dev Emits `NodeModifyCommissionRate`.
* @param commissionRate: rate of commission, which is given by NFT holders to the verifier node
function nodeModifyCommissionRate(uint32 commissionRate) external;
* @notice Similar to `nodeEnter`,
* @notice but the txn can be broadcast to the chain by other address after being authenticated by the node.
* @notice Compared with the `nodeEnter`, it is gasless for the verifier node.
* @notice following the eip-712.
* @dev Emits `NodeActivate`.
* @dev If any node is kicked and replaced by your node. Emits `NodeClear`.
* @dev If any node calls nodeEnter for the first time. Emits `NodeRegister`.
* @param replacedNode: address of the node that needs to be replaced by your node
* only works when the `activeVrfNodeList` is full
* @param expiredAt: transaction expiration time
* @param signer: address of verifier node ready to enter
function nodeEnterWithSignature(
address replacedNode, uint256 expiredAt, address signer, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external;
* @notice Similar to `nodeExit`,
* @notice but the txn can be broadcast to the chain by other address after being authenticated by the node.
* @notice Compared with the `nodeExit`, it is gasless for the verifier node.
* @notice following the eip-712.
* @dev Emits `NodeClear`.
* @param expiredAt: transaction expiration time
* @param signer: address of verifier node ready to exit
function nodeExitWithSignature(
uint256 expiredAt, address signer, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external;
* @notice Similar to `nodeModifyCommissionRate`,
* @notice but the txn can be broadcast to the chain by other address after being authenticated by the node.
* @notice Compared with the `nodeModifyCommissionRate`, it is gasless for the verifier node.
* @notice following the eip-712.
* @dev Emits `NodeModifyCommissionRate`.
* @param commissionRate: rate of commission, which is given by NFT holders to the verifier node
* @param expiredAt: transaction expiration time
* @param signer: address of verifier node
function nodeModifyCommissionRateWithSignature(
uint32 commissionRate, uint256 expiredAt, address signer, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external;
* @notice Specify the address that can claim rewards of this verifier node
* @notice it is gasless for the verifier node.
* @notice following the eip-712.
* @dev Emits `NodeSetClaimer`.
* @param claimer: address of whom can claim reward of this verifier
* @param expiredAt: transaction expiration time
* @param signer: address of verifier node
function nodeSetRewardClaimerWithSignature(
address claimer, uint256 expiredAt, address signer, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s
) external;
* @notice Claim reward of node.
* @notice The reward for reporting verifications is divided into two parts: node's reward and delegators' reward
* @notice Only when the node is online for more than 6 hours/day will there be reward.
* @dev Emits `NodeClaim`.
* @param node: address of node to claim reward
function nodeClaim(address node) external;
* @notice Anyone can initiate a slash for a miss reporting of a node.
* @notice Each miss reporting of a node can only be slashed once.
* @notice When a node is selected by VRF but fails to report a verification within the specified time,
* @notice the node can be slashed.
* @dev Emits `NodeSlash`.
* @param node: address of node to be slashed
* @param attestationID: id of attestation that node miss reporting
* @param index: index of this node in vrfChosen list of this attestation
function nodeSlash(address node, bytes32 attestationID, uint32 index) external;
* @notice If the node is online but hasn't reported verification that day,
* @notice the smart contract needs to be notified through this function to update the status of the node today.
* @param node: address of the node to report daily active
function nodeReportDailyActive(address node) external;
* @notice Confirm the node reward,
* @notice the smart contract needs to be notified through this function to update the reward of the node before today.
* @param node: address of the node to confirm rewards
function confirmNodeRewards(address node) external;
* @notice After an attestation is reported, a group of nodes will be randomly selected through chainlink's VRF.
* @notice These nodes need to submit the verification within the specified time.
* @notice When a node is selected by VRF, the proof is submitted by calling `nodeReportVerification`.
* @notice The verification cannot be submitted repeatedly.
* @dev Only nodes chosen by VRF in this attestation.
* @dev Emits `NodeReportVerification`.
* @param attestationID: id of attestation
* @param index: index of this node in vrfChosen list of this attestation
* @param result: Whether the attestation is valid after being checked by the node.
function nodeReportVerification(bytes32 attestationID, uint32 index, AttestationResult result) external;
* @notice Batch reporting verification.
* @notice One address can collect multiple verifications and delegate reporting them in batches,
* @notice following the eip-712.
* @dev Emits `NodeReportVerificationBatch`.
function nodeReportVerificationBatch(bytes32 attestationID, VerificationInfo[] calldata infos) external;
* @notice If the NFT holder doesn't want to run the node to report the verification himself,
* @notice he can delegate the authority to others to run by calling `delegate`.
* @notice After delegating, NFT holders will give a proportion of rewards (10%) to the delegatee.
* @dev Emits `Delegate`.
* @param tokenID: tokenID of CarvNft to be delegated.
* @param to: address of whom you want to delegate to
function delegate(uint256 tokenID, address to) external;
* @notice Specify a new delegatee to replace the current delegatee.
* @notice During the `redelegate`, the node may be triggered to exit.
* @dev Emits `Redelegate`.
* @dev When the node's delegation weight is reduced to 0, it will be forced offline. Emits `NodeClear`
* @param tokenID: tokenID of CarvNft to be redelegated.
* @param to: address of whom you want to redelegate to
function redelegate(uint256 tokenID, address to) external;
* @notice Cancel current delegation.
* @notice During the `undelegate`, the node may be triggered to exit.
* @dev Emits `undelegate`.
* @dev When the node's delegation weight is reduced to 0, it will be forced offline. Emits `NodeClear`
* @param tokenID: tokenID of CarvNft to be undelegated.
function undelegate(uint256 tokenID) external;
* @notice Claim rewards corresponding to a certain tokenID owned by you.
* @notice vault.rewardsWithdraw() will be called to transfer veCARV to the user.
* @notice After the user claim the reward, this CarvNft cannot be redeemed.
* @dev Emits `ClaimRewards`.
* @param tokenID: The token ID that needs to be claimed rewards
function claimRewards(uint256 tokenID) external;
* @notice Check whether this tokenID has already claimed rewards.
* @param tokenID: token ID
* @return claimed: whether this tokenID has already claimed rewards
function checkClaimed(uint256 tokenID) external view returns (bool);
* @notice Get the index of today.
function todayIndex() external view returns (uint32);
* @notice Get the offset of today.
function todayOffset() external view returns (uint256);
Last updated