Universal Guardian Program
Interoperable Proof of Contribution and Influence Credentials Unlocking Web3 Freelancing Marketplace
Last updated
Interoperable Proof of Contribution and Influence Credentials Unlocking Web3 Freelancing Marketplace
Last updated
Origin: a community contribution and co-building program for builders who share CARV's vision and want to contribute and be rewarded. Contributors become more integrated with CARV and eventually lead, own, and govern.
Becoming: a platform for universal proof of contribution and influence credentialing.
Previous contributions and influences of an individual across various projects and platforms can be aggregated, attested to, and showcased
Ongoing contributions and influences are verified, recorded, and built on top of the profile, composible over time, and intraoperable across platforms.
Such a credentialing system begins with gaming and progresses beyond CARV, allowing all eco-systems to leverage and build upon it.
After working with 250 communities in the gaming space, we have identitied the roles and skillsets brands value most. Currently, influence and credentials are tracked across four roles (with more to come). When Guardian members complete tasks by CARV / projects corresponding to certain roles, Guardians accumulate EXPs (credential points), add skill tags to their profiles, and record their tasks & review of task completion in a transparent, immutable way.
Everyone who wants to can record and participate in tasks, the marketplace, and become a more integral part of projects.
[Priest] Community Moderators
#conflict resolution #content moderation #event organization #community engagement #communication #translation
[Paladin] Content Creators
#translation #article writing #research #video creation #animation #uiux #motion graphics
[Hunter] BD & Partnerships
#research #leadgeneration #partnership #businessdevelopment
[Warrior] Developers
#programming #debugging #alphatesting #contractdevelopment
As we set our sights on a progressive future, here's a glimpse of the exciting roadmap ahead:
For more details of the becoming version, please check out Guardian Program's notion page.